In this article, we will look at what you can do to make sure prospects can find out enough information about you so they are comfortable contacting you. Remember, as a professional, you want to allow prospects to get to know you via your online activities and public profiles....
Business Development
Are you “Stalkable”? How’s Your Online Presence?
While teaching a Guerrilla Marketing Jumpstart class this week, we were talking about the power of online tools like blogs and Facebook. I told the class that having a good online presence allows prospects to “stalk” you. At this point the class, of mostly women, was shocked that I...
Gettu or Gottu
The title of this article might make you initially think of “names of bizarre animals” or some other sorts of weird categories you might find on the game show, Jeopardy. It isn’t, it is all about your attitude. Are you a I gettu do … or an I...
Entrepreneurs: How do You Empower Your Employees?
Business owners often lament about how much time they spend working in their business and wondering how they can find more time for their family and friends or just to take...
Making Your Marketing Message Meaningful
Are you having trouble connecting with prospects? Do they seem to be uninterested in listening to you talk about your product or service? Let’s look at how to change this. Your message needs to be stated in a way that resonates with the prospect. Here are 4 things to consider...