Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season.
It’s hard to believe that 2010 is upon us. It’s the time of year we take stock of the past and assess areas we’d like to improve in the future. We promise ourselves this is the year we will get fit, quit our bad habits and pay off those credit cards. But wait! These are the same resolutions as last year!
So, is it hopeless? Absolutely not! The biggest difference to success or failure in any area often comes down to accountability. Having someone waiting for you at the gym, either a friend or trainer will make a big difference when your personal motivation is low or things just get busy. A little friendly competition helps even more. We all need a reason to move off the status quo and a trusted mentor or competitor can be just what we need to push a little harder.
You may be in a similar spot with your business. There may be several areas where you have some idea of what you need to improve, but things never seem to actually change. Everyday priorities seem to interfere with things you want to accomplish. This is where meeting regularly with an experienced mentor or Business Coach can make the difference between achieving your goals or never making progress.
Just as a professional fitness trainer will bring new challenges and techniques to your workout routine, an experienced Business Coach will bring new energy and tools to help you shape up your business.
We would be honored to assist you in reaching your business goals. We have many programs available. Please contact us at (425) 686-5822 or bob@soundbd.com to find out how we can help you have a successful year.